Buggy Stabilization Training

May 5th, 2008 • Tonight, 13 GAFC Members participated in training involving stabilizing an overturned Amish buggy. Training was set up by Lieutenant Schlegel, FF Petersheim, & JFF B. Welker. The Engine & The Rescue Crews were ordered to stage until Lieutenant Schlegel ordered their response to the scene and were faced with the overturned buggy with a manikin inside. Crews had to create a plan to stabilize the buggy, lift it carefully, and remove the patient. Training was supervised by Lieutenants Schlegel & Sitlinger.

Station 27 Crew: Lieutenant 27 (L. Schlegel, Jr.), Lieutenant 27-1 (Sitlinger), Safety Officer 27 (Boyer), JFF B. Welker, FF A. King, FF R. King, FF Peterhsheim, FF Lebo, FF G. Fisher, FF J.P. King, FF J.M. Fisher, FF R. Kauffman, & FP Paul.

Photos & Video of this training session

Engine & Rescue 27 arriving