August 8th, 2008 Training

Attention GAFC Members: The GAFC will be utilizing the Klingerstown Fire Co. #1's training building on Monday, August 18th. Training will be led by Lieutenants Schlegel & Sitlinger. Members will be trained on interior search. We WILL be using a smoke machine for this training. All members must bring full PPE to participate in this training.

Buggy Stabilization Training

May 5th, 2008 • Tonight, 13 GAFC Members participated in training involving stabilizing an overturned Amish buggy. Training was set up by Lieutenant Schlegel, FF Petersheim, & JFF B. Welker. The Engine & The Rescue Crews were ordered to stage until Lieutenant Schlegel ordered their response to the scene and were faced with the overturned buggy with a manikin inside. Crews had to create a plan to stabilize the buggy, lift it carefully, and remove the patient. Training was supervised by Lieutenants Schlegel & Sitlinger.

Station 27 Crew: Lieutenant 27 (L. Schlegel, Jr.), Lieutenant 27-1 (Sitlinger), Safety Officer 27 (Boyer), JFF B. Welker, FF A. King, FF R. King, FF Peterhsheim, FF Lebo, FF G. Fisher, FF J.P. King, FF J.M. Fisher, FF R. Kauffman, & FP Paul.

Photos & Video of this training session

Engine & Rescue 27 arriving

Interior Search Training at The 27 House

March 3rd, 2007 • This evening, 17 GAFC Members participated in an interior search training session. The training was led by Lieutenants Schlegel & Sitlinger and focused on preparing The Firefighters for circumstances that may require them to enter a smoke filled environment and perform an interior search. Lieutenants Schlegel & Sitlinger constructed a maze consisting of a 2' diameter pipe, stairs, tables, and chairs. Members worked in teams of 2 in full PPE, including a SCBA. The teams were supervised at the beginning of the maze, which consisted of crawling through the 2' pipe and climbing a set of stairs, by Lieutenant Sitlinger and at the end of the maze, which consisted of navigating an arrangement of tables and chairs to simulate walls, by Lieutenant Schlegel.

Station 27 Crew: Chief 27 (H. Welker), Chief 27-2 (S. Dreher, Sr.), Lieutenant 27 (L. Schlegel, Jr.), Lieutenant 27-1 (Sitlinger), Safety Officer 27 (Boyer), FF G. Fisher, FF J.M. Fisher, JFF B. Welker, FF A. King, FF B. Zook, FF J. Zook, FF Conrad, FF/EMT Robertucci, FF Diaz, FF Petersheim, FF P. King & FF R. King.

Photos & Videos of this training session

Next Training Night: February 18th, 2008

The GAFC will be holding a training night on Monday, February 18th, 2008, starting at 7:00 P.M. Training will be led by Lieutenants Schlegel & Sitlinger. Training will consist of a review of equipment location knowledge on Rescue 27 and learning how to properly function the Genesis Hydraulic Rescue Tools on The Rescue. The GAFC encourages all members to participate in this training exercise.

Rescue 27 Walk-Through

February 4th, 2008 • This evening, 16 GAFC Members took part in the 1st of 2 February training sessions. Tonight's training was led by Lieutenant Sitlinger and focused on improving equipment location and purpose knowledge on Rescue 27. Members were also quizzed on equipment location on Engine 27, using knowledge gained from the last training session.

Station 27 Crew: Chief 27 (H. Welker), Captain 27 (T. Lesher), Lieutenant 27-1 (Sitlinger), Engineer 27 (Wolfgang), Safety Officer 27 (Boyer), FF Conrad, JFF B. Welker, FF G. Fisher, FF J.M. Fisher, FF P. King, FF R. King, FF Petersheim, FF/EMT Robertucci, FF B. Zook, FF J. Zook & FP Paul.

Next Training Night: February 4th, 2008

The GAFC will be holding a training night on Monday, February 4th, 2008, starting at 7:00 P.M. Training will be led by Lieutenants Schlegel & Sitlinger. Training will consist of a walk-through of Rescue 27. Members will be quizzed on equipment location and the purpose of all equipment stored on The Rescue. The GAFC encourages all members to participate in this training exercise.